【lwip】13-TCP协议分析之源码篇 速看料














tcp_new(); /* 新建一个TCP */tcp_bind(); /* 绑定本地服务 */tcp_listen(); /* or */ tcp_listen_with_backlog(); /* 监听(用于服务端) */tcp_accept(); /* 接受连接(用于服务端) */tcp_connect(); /* 建立一个连接(用于客户端) */



tcp_write(); /* 该函数用于把数据插入TCP发送缓冲区 */tcp_output(); /* 该函数用于触发TCP缓冲区发送数据 */tcp_sent(); /* 注册发送回调函数 */




tcp_recv(); /* 注册接收回调函数 */tcp_recved(); /* 应用层成功接收到数据通知回TCP的函数 */





tcp_poll(); /* 注册周期回调函数,被TCP内核周期调用 */





tcp_close(); /* 正常关闭连接,释放PCB资源 */tcp_abort(); /* RST方式终止连接 */tcp_err(); /* 注册异常回调函数 */


一个TCP连接需要TCP PCB(TCP 控制块)来管理本连接的相关数据。

在本函数中,能了解到LWIP申请TCP PCB的内存管理逻辑,也能找到TCP性能的默认值(这个对TCP网络分析的同学挺有用的)。

struct tcp_pcb *tcp_alloc(u8_t prio):申请&初始化TCP PCB。

u8_t prio:新建的TCP PCB优先级。如果MEMP_TCP_PCB内存池还有空间,则直接从该内存池申请。如果MEMP_TCP_PCB内存池空间不足,则按照以下顺序进行强制占用:最老的:TIME-WAIT > LAST_ACK > CLOSING > 优先级更低的已激活的连接。
/** * 申请tcp pcb内存。 * 如果内存不足,按以下顺序释放pcb:最老的:TIME-WAIT > LAST_ACK > CLOSING > 优先级更低的已激活的连接。 * tcp pcb内存资源申请成功后,初始化部分字段。 * */struct tcp_pcb *tcp_alloc(u8_t prio){  struct tcp_pcb *pcb;  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB);  if (pcb == NULL) {    /* 先处理那些处于TF_CLOSEPEND状态的pcb。主动触发他们再次发起FIN。(之前发送FIN失败的pcb,这些pcb都是我们想关闭的pcb了) */    tcp_handle_closepend();    LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_alloc: killing off oldest TIME-WAIT connection\n"));    /* 内存不足,干掉最老的TIME_WAIT连接 */    tcp_kill_timewait();    pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB);    if (pcb == NULL) {      LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_alloc: killing off oldest LAST-ACK connection\n"));      /* 还是内存不足,就干掉最老的LAST_ACK连接 */      tcp_kill_state(LAST_ACK);      pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB);      if (pcb == NULL) {        LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_alloc: killing off oldest CLOSING connection\n"));        /* 还是内存不足,干掉最老的CLOSING连接 */        tcp_kill_state(CLOSING);        pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB);        if (pcb == NULL) {          LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_alloc: killing oldest connection with prio lower than %d\n", prio));          /* 还是内存不足,那就干掉优先级更低的最老的连接 */          tcp_kill_prio(prio);          pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB);          if (pcb != NULL) {            /* 还是内存不足,没办法了 */            MEMP_STATS_DEC(err, MEMP_TCP_PCB);          }        }        if (pcb != NULL) {          /* adjust err stats: memp_malloc failed multiple times before */          MEMP_STATS_DEC(err, MEMP_TCP_PCB);        }      }      if (pcb != NULL) {        /* adjust err stats: memp_malloc failed multiple times before */        MEMP_STATS_DEC(err, MEMP_TCP_PCB);      }    }    if (pcb != NULL) {      /* adjust err stats: memp_malloc failed above */      MEMP_STATS_DEC(err, MEMP_TCP_PCB);    }  }  if (pcb != NULL) {    /* 申请成功 */    memset(pcb, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_pcb)); /* 清空所有字段 */    pcb->prio = prio; /* 设置控制块优先级 */    pcb->snd_buf = TCP_SND_BUF; /* 设置发送缓冲区大小 */    pcb->rcv_wnd = pcb->rcv_ann_wnd = TCPWND_MIN16(TCP_WND); /* 初始化接收窗口和窗口通告值 */    pcb->ttl = TCP_TTL; /* TTL */    pcb->mss = INITIAL_MSS; /* 初始化MSS,在SYN时,会在选项字段发送到对端。 */    pcb->rto = LWIP_TCP_RTO_TIME / TCP_SLOW_INTERVAL; /* 初始RTO时间为LWIP_TCP_RTO_TIME,默认3000ms */    pcb->sv = LWIP_TCP_RTO_TIME / TCP_SLOW_INTERVAL; /* 初始RTT时间差为RTO的初始值 */    pcb->rtime = -1; /* 初始为停止重传计时值计时 */    pcb->cwnd = 1; /* 初始拥塞窗口值 */    pcb->tmr = tcp_ticks; /* 保存当前TCP节拍值为当前PCB的TCP节拍初始值 */    pcb->last_timer = tcp_timer_ctr; /* 初始化PCB最后一次活动的时间 */    /* RFC 5618建议设置ssthresh值尽可能高,比如设置为最大可能的窗口通告值大小(可以理解为最大可能的发送窗口大小 )。 */    /* 这里先设置为本地发送缓冲区大小,即是最大飞行数据量。后面进行窗口缩放和自动调优时自动调整。 */    pcb->ssthresh = TCP_SND_BUF;#if LWIP_CALLBACK_API    /* 默认接收回调 */    pcb->recv = tcp_recv_null;#endif /* LWIP_CALLBACK_API */    /* 保活计时器超时值:默认7200秒,即是两小时。 */    pcb->keep_idle  = TCP_KEEPIDLE_DEFAULT;#if LWIP_TCP_KEEPALIVE    /* 保活时间间隔:默认75秒 */    pcb->keep_intvl = TCP_KEEPINTVL_DEFAULT;    /* 保活探测数:默认9次。 */    pcb->keep_cnt   = TCP_KEEPCNT_DEFAULT;#endif /* LWIP_TCP_KEEPALIVE */  }  return pcb;}

TCP PCB新建后,需要绑定本地的IP和端口号,这样就能表示一个接入到应用层的连接了。

err_t tcp_bind(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port)

struct tcp_pcb *pcb:TCP PCB。

const ip_addr_t *ipaddr:需要绑定的本地IP地址。如果本地IP填了NULLIP_ANY_TYPE,则表示任意IP,绑定本地所有IP的意思。

u16_t port:需要绑定的绑定端口号。如果本地端口号填了0,则会调用tcp_new_port()申请一个随机端口号。如果指定了端口号,需要检查是否有复用。





/** * @ingroup tcp_raw * Binds the connection to a local port number and IP address.  * If the IP address is not given (i.e., ipaddr == IP_ANY_TYPE), the connection is bound to all local IP addresses. * If another connection is bound to the same port, the function will return ERR_USE, otherwise ERR_OK is returned. * @see MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN and MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB * * @param pcb the tcp_pcb to bind (no check is done whether this pcb is already bound!) * @param ipaddr the local ip address to bind to (use IPx_ADDR_ANY to bind to any local address * @param port the local port to bind to * @return ERR_USE if the port is already in use *         ERR_VAL if bind failed because the PCB is not in a valid state *         ERR_OK if bound */err_ttcp_bind(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port){  int i;  int max_pcb_list = NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTS;  struct tcp_pcb *cpcb;#if LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES  ip_addr_t zoned_ipaddr;#endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES */  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();#if LWIP_IPV4  /* Don"t propagate NULL pointer (IPv4 ANY) to subsequent functions */  if (ipaddr == NULL) {    ipaddr = IP4_ADDR_ANY;  }#else /* LWIP_IPV4 */  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_bind: invalid ipaddr", ipaddr != NULL, return ERR_ARG);#endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_bind: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, return ERR_ARG);  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_bind: can only bind in state CLOSED", pcb->state == CLOSED, return ERR_VAL);#if SO_REUSE /* 选项:SO_REUSEADDR */  /* 如果设置了SO_REUSEADDR选项,且绑定的IP和PORT已经被使用且处于TIME_WAIT状态,也可以被重复使用。      如果没有设置,则不能释放处于TIME_WAIT状态的PCB。 */  if (ip_get_option(pcb, SOF_REUSEADDR)) {    /* 不用遍历处于TIME_WAIT状态的TCP PCB是否被复用,因为SO_REUSEADDR选项运行其复用行为 */    max_pcb_list = NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTS_NO_TIME_WAIT;  }#endif /* SO_REUSE */#if LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES  /* If the given IP address should have a zone but doesn"t, assign one now.   * This is legacy support: scope-aware callers should always provide properly   * zoned source addresses. Do the zone selection before the address-in-use   * check below; as such we have to make a temporary copy of the address. */  if (IP_IS_V6(ipaddr) && ip6_addr_lacks_zone(ip_2_ip6(ipaddr), IP6_UNICAST)) {    ip_addr_copy(zoned_ipaddr, *ipaddr);    ip6_addr_select_zone(ip_2_ip6(&zoned_ipaddr), ip_2_ip6(&zoned_ipaddr));    ipaddr = &zoned_ipaddr;  }#endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES */  if (port == 0) {    /* 自动生成端口号 */    port = tcp_new_port();    if (port == 0) {      /* 端口号申请失败,绑定失败 */      return ERR_BUF;    }  } else {    /* 指定端口号。遍历TCP PCB链表,IP和PORT是否被占用。 */    /* Check if the address already is in use (on all lists) */    for (i = 0; i < max_pcb_list; i++) {      for (cpcb = *tcp_pcb_lists[i]; cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {        if (cpcb->local_port == port) {#if SO_REUSE          /* 如果两个TCP PCB都设置了SO_REUSEADDR选项,则可以复用同一个IP和端口号 */          if (!ip_get_option(pcb, SOF_REUSEADDR) ||              !ip_get_option(cpcb, SOF_REUSEADDR))#endif /* SO_REUSE */          {            /* @todo: check accept_any_ip_version */            /* 注意:任意IP即是万能IP */            if ((IP_IS_V6(ipaddr) == IP_IS_V6_VAL(cpcb->local_ip)) &&                (ip_addr_isany(&cpcb->local_ip) ||                 ip_addr_isany(ipaddr) ||                 ip_addr_eq(&cpcb->local_ip, ipaddr))) {              /* 如果IP和PORT已经被占用了,则返回ERR_USE */              return ERR_USE;            }          }        }      }    }  }  if (!ip_addr_isany(ipaddr) /* 绑定的IP不是任意IP */#if LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IPV6      /* 绑定的IP类型和原有IP类型不一致,也要更新 */      || (IP_GET_TYPE(ipaddr) != IP_GET_TYPE(&pcb->local_ip))#endif /* LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IPV6 */     ) {    /* 绑定IP,更新TCP PCB本地IP字段 */    ip_addr_set(&pcb->local_ip, ipaddr);  }  /* 本地PORT */  pcb->local_port = port;  TCP_REG(&tcp_bound_pcbs, pcb);  LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_bind: bind to port %"U16_F"\n", port));  return ERR_OK;}



#define          tcp_listen(pcb) tcp_listen_with_backlog(pcb, TCP_DEFAULT_LISTEN_BACKLOG)
struct tcp_pcb *tcp_listen_with_backlog(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, u8_t backlog){  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  return tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err(pcb, backlog, NULL);}

struct tcp_pcb *tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, u8_t backlog, err_t *err)

struct tcp_pcb *pcb:PCB。

u8_t backlog:等待accept()连接的上限值。

err_t *err:当返回NULL时,该回传参数包含错误原因。



重置PCB的数据结构为tcp_pcb_listen,降低内存浪费。并初始化新的数据结构,当然包括lpcb->state = LISTEN;



/** * @ingroup tcp_raw * 把当前PCB设为LISTEN状态(不可逆),表示可以处理连接进来的TCP客户端。 * TCP PCB重新分配为监听专用的PCB,降低内存占用。 * * @param pcb the original tcp_pcb * @param backlog the incoming connections queue limit * @param err when NULL is returned, this contains the error reason * @return tcp_pcb used for listening, consumes less memory. * * @note The original tcp_pcb is freed. This function therefore has to be *       called like this: *             tpcb = tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err(tpcb, backlog, &err); */struct tcp_pcb *tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, u8_t backlog, err_t *err){  struct tcp_pcb_listen *lpcb = NULL;  err_t res;  LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(backlog);  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, res = ERR_ARG; goto done);  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_listen_with_backlog_and_err: pcb already connected", pcb->state == CLOSED, res = ERR_CLSD; goto done);  if (pcb->state == LISTEN) {    /* 已经是监听状态了,不需要重复处理 */    lpcb = (struct tcp_pcb_listen *)pcb;    res = ERR_ALREADY;    goto done;  }#if SO_REUSE  if (ip_get_option(pcb, SOF_REUSEADDR)) {    /* Since SOF_REUSEADDR allows reusing a local address before the pcb"s usage       is declared (listen-/connection-pcb), we have to make sure now that       this port is only used once for every local IP. */    /* 不能有相同IP和PORT的TCP服务器 */    for (lpcb = tcp_listen_pcbs.listen_pcbs; lpcb != NULL; lpcb = lpcb->next) {      if ((lpcb->local_port == pcb->local_port) &&          ip_addr_eq(&lpcb->local_ip, &pcb->local_ip)) {        /* this address/port is already used */        lpcb = NULL;        res = ERR_USE;        goto done;      }    }  }#endif /* SO_REUSE */  /* 由于当前服务器原有的TCP PCB为tcp_pcb,对于TCP服务器的监听TCP来说,里面的很多字段都没用到,      所以LWIP使用tcp_pcb_listen作为监听TCP的PCB,这样占用内存更小。 */  /* 申请TCP LISTEN PCB资源 */  lpcb = (struct tcp_pcb_listen *)memp_malloc(MEMP_TCP_PCB_LISTEN);  if (lpcb == NULL) {    res = ERR_MEM;    goto done;  }  /* 申请成功,填写相关字段 */  lpcb->callback_arg = pcb->callback_arg;  lpcb->local_port = pcb->local_port;  lpcb->state = LISTEN; /* 标记为监听状态 */  lpcb->prio = pcb->prio;  lpcb->so_options = pcb->so_options;  lpcb->netif_idx = pcb->netif_idx;  lpcb->ttl = pcb->ttl;  lpcb->tos = pcb->tos;#if LWIP_VLAN_PCP  lpcb->netif_hints.tci = pcb->netif_hints.tci;#endif /* LWIP_VLAN_PCP */#if LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IPV6  IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(lpcb->remote_ip, pcb->local_ip.type);#endif /* LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IPV6 */  ip_addr_copy(lpcb->local_ip, pcb->local_ip);  if (pcb->local_port != 0) {    /* 先把原生监听TCP PCB从tcp_bound_pcbs链表中移除 */    TCP_RMV(&tcp_bound_pcbs, pcb);  }#if LWIP_TCP_PCB_NUM_EXT_ARGS  /* copy over ext_args to listening pcb  */  memcpy(&lpcb->ext_args, &pcb->ext_args, sizeof(pcb->ext_args));#endif  /* 释放原生监听TCP PCB */  tcp_free(pcb);#if LWIP_CALLBACK_API  /* 配置默认accept() */  lpcb->accept = tcp_accept_null;#endif /* LWIP_CALLBACK_API */#if TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG  /* 目前没有阻塞需要接入当前服务器的客户端连接 */  lpcb->accepts_pending = 0;  tcp_backlog_set(lpcb, backlog);#endif /* TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG */  /* 修改点:https://github.com/yarrick/lwip/commit/6fb248c9e0a540112d0b4616b89f0130e4d57270 */  /*        http://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?func=detailitem&item_id=10088#options */  /* 把新的简版监听TCP PCB插回对应状态链表中 */  TCP_REG(&tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs, (struct tcp_pcb *)lpcb);  res = ERR_OK;done:  if (err != NULL) {    *err = res;  }  return (struct tcp_pcb *)lpcb;}



void tcp_accept(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, tcp_accept_fn accept)

struct tcp_pcb *pcb:PCB。tcp_accept_fn accept:需要注册的回调函数。
/** * @ingroup tcp_raw * 用于指定当侦听连接已连接到另一个主机时应调用的函数。 * @see MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN and MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB * * @param pcb tcp_pcb to set the accept callback * @param accept callback function to call for this pcb when LISTENing *        connection has been connected to another host * * 注册accept()函数,TCP服务器接受一条客户端连接时被调用。 */voidtcp_accept(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, tcp_accept_fn accept){  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  if ((pcb != NULL) && (pcb->state == LISTEN)) {    struct tcp_pcb_listen *lpcb = (struct tcp_pcb_listen *)pcb;    lpcb->accept = accept;  }}





err_t tcp_connect(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port, tcp_connected_fn connected)

struct tcp_pcb *pcb:PCB。

const ip_addr_t *ipaddr:需要连接的远端IP地址。

u16_t port:需要连接的远端端口号。

tcp_connected_fn connected:连接情况回调函数。





SO_REUSE:如果设置了SOF_REUSEADDR选项值,则需要判断五元组唯一才能连接:本地IP、本地PORT、远端IP、远端PORT和TCP PCB状态。





/** * @ingroup tcp_raw * Connects to another host.  * The function given as the "connected" argument will be called when the connection has been established. * Sets up the pcb to connect to the remote host and sends the initial SYN segment which opens the connection. * * The tcp_connect() function returns immediately; it does not wait for the connection to be properly setup.  * Instead, it will call the function specified as the fourth argument (the "connected" argument) when the connection is established. * If the connection could not be properly established, either because the other host refused the connection or because the other host didn"t answer, the "err" callback function of this pcb (registered with tcp_err, see below) will be called. * * The tcp_connect() function can return ERR_MEM if no memory is available for enqueueing the SYN segment. * If the SYN indeed was enqueued successfully, the tcp_connect() function returns ERR_OK. * * @param pcb the tcp_pcb used to establish the connection * @param ipaddr the remote ip address to connect to * @param port the remote tcp port to connect to * @param connected callback function to call when connected (on error,                    the err callback will be called) * @return ERR_VAL if invalid arguments are given *         ERR_OK if connect request has been sent *         other err_t values if connect request couldn"t be sent */err_ttcp_connect(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port,            tcp_connected_fn connected){  struct netif *netif = NULL;  err_t ret;  u32_t iss;  u16_t old_local_port;  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, return ERR_ARG);  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: invalid ipaddr", ipaddr != NULL, return ERR_ARG);  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: can only connect from state CLOSED", pcb->state == CLOSED, return ERR_ISCONN);  LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_connect to port %"U16_F"\n", port));  ip_addr_set(&pcb->remote_ip, ipaddr);  pcb->remote_port = port;  if (pcb->netif_idx != NETIF_NO_INDEX) {    netif = netif_get_by_index(pcb->netif_idx);  } else {    /* check if we have a route to the remote host */    netif = ip_route(&pcb->local_ip, &pcb->remote_ip);  }  if (netif == NULL) {    /* Don"t even try to send a SYN packet if we have no route since that will fail. */    return ERR_RTE;  }  /* check if local IP has been assigned to pcb, if not, get one */  if (ip_addr_isany(&pcb->local_ip)) {    const ip_addr_t *local_ip = ip_netif_get_local_ip(netif, ipaddr);    if (local_ip == NULL) {      return ERR_RTE;    }    ip_addr_copy(pcb->local_ip, *local_ip);  }#if LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES  /* If the given IP address should have a zone but doesn"t, assign one now.   * Given that we already have the target netif, this is easy and cheap. */  if (IP_IS_V6(&pcb->remote_ip) &&      ip6_addr_lacks_zone(ip_2_ip6(&pcb->remote_ip), IP6_UNICAST)) {    ip6_addr_assign_zone(ip_2_ip6(&pcb->remote_ip), IP6_UNICAST, netif);  }#endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES */  old_local_port = pcb->local_port;  if (pcb->local_port == 0) {    pcb->local_port = tcp_new_port();    if (pcb->local_port == 0) {      return ERR_BUF;    }  } else {#if SO_REUSE    if (ip_get_option(pcb, SOF_REUSEADDR)) {      /* 如果设置了SOF_REUSEADDR选项值,          则需要判断五元组唯一才能连接:本地IP、本地PORT、远端IP、远端PORT和TCP PCB状态 */      struct tcp_pcb *cpcb;      int i;      /* TCP PCB状态链表只遍历稳定态和TIME_WAIT状态的,不遍历绑定态和监听态的,因为设置了SOF_REUSEADDR,是允许客户端复用服务器的。 */      for (i = 2; i < NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTS; i++) {        for (cpcb = *tcp_pcb_lists[i]; cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {          if ((cpcb->local_port == pcb->local_port) &&              (cpcb->remote_port == port) &&              ip_addr_eq(&cpcb->local_ip, &pcb->local_ip) &&              ip_addr_eq(&cpcb->remote_ip, ipaddr)) {            /* linux returns EISCONN here, but ERR_USE should be OK for us */            return ERR_USE;          }        }      }    }#endif /* SO_REUSE */  }  iss = tcp_next_iss(pcb); /* 获取第一个要发送的seq号值 */  pcb->rcv_nxt = 0;  pcb->snd_nxt = iss;  pcb->lastack = iss - 1;  pcb->snd_wl2 = iss - 1;  pcb->snd_lbb = iss - 1;  /* 初始化接收窗口、窗口通告值、窗口通告值右边沿值 */  pcb->rcv_wnd = pcb->rcv_ann_wnd = TCPWND_MIN16(TCP_WND);  pcb->rcv_ann_right_edge = pcb->rcv_nxt;  /* 初始化发送窗口 */  pcb->snd_wnd = TCP_WND;  /* 初始化MSS,LWIP限制在536 */  pcb->mss = INITIAL_MSS;#if TCP_CALCULATE_EFF_SEND_MSS  /* 根据netif和远端IP来设置MSS */  pcb->mss = tcp_eff_send_mss_netif(pcb->mss, netif, &pcb->remote_ip);#endif /* TCP_CALCULATE_EFF_SEND_MSS */  /* 拥塞窗口初始值 */  pcb->cwnd = 1;#if LWIP_CALLBACK_API  /* 回调函数connected() */  pcb->connected = connected;#else /* LWIP_CALLBACK_API */  LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(connected);#endif /* LWIP_CALLBACK_API */  /* 构造一个连接请求报文到TCP PCB中:SYN + MSS option */  ret = tcp_enqueue_flags(pcb, TCP_SYN);  if (ret == ERR_OK) {    /* 更新为SYN_SENT状态 */    pcb->state = SYN_SENT;    if (old_local_port != 0) {      /* 旧TCP PCB端口不为0,则将TCP PCB先从tcp_bound_pcbs状态链表移除 */      TCP_RMV(&tcp_bound_pcbs, pcb);    }    /* 再把当前TCP PCB插入到稳定态tcp_active_pcbs链表 */    TCP_REG_ACTIVE(pcb);    MIB2_STATS_INC(mib2.tcpactiveopens);    /* 将TCP PCB上的报文发送出去 */    tcp_output(pcb);  }  return ret;}


void tcp_recved(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, u16_t len)

struct tcp_pcb *pcb:pcb。

u16_t len:成功接收的长度。


/** * @ingroup tcp_raw * @param pcb the tcp_pcb for which data is read * @param len the amount of bytes that have been read by the application * * 应用程序从PCB缓冲区中提取走数据后,应该调用当前函数来更新当前PCB的接收窗口。 * */voidtcp_recved(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, u16_t len){  u32_t wnd_inflation;  tcpwnd_size_t rcv_wnd;  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_recved: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, return);  /* pcb->state LISTEN not allowed here */  LWIP_ASSERT("don"t call tcp_recved for listen-pcbs",              pcb->state != LISTEN);  /* 接收窗口扩大len */  rcv_wnd = (tcpwnd_size_t)(pcb->rcv_wnd + len);  /* 更新接收窗口值 */  if ((rcv_wnd > TCP_WND_MAX(pcb)) || (rcv_wnd < pcb->rcv_wnd)) {    /* window got too big or tcpwnd_size_t overflow */    LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_recved: window got too big or tcpwnd_size_t overflow\n"));    pcb->rcv_wnd = TCP_WND_MAX(pcb);  } else  {    pcb->rcv_wnd = rcv_wnd;  }  /* 更新滑动窗口。支持糊涂窗口避免算法。 */  wnd_inflation = tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd(pcb);  /* 如果接收窗口右边界滑动了 (1/4接收缓冲) || (4个MSS) 都可以立即发送窗口通告值到对端; */  /* 如果接收窗口右边界滑动达不到阈值,就等正常发送数据时才附带窗口通告值。 */  if (wnd_inflation >= TCP_WND_UPDATE_THRESHOLD) {    tcp_ack_now(pcb);    tcp_output(pcb);  }  LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_recved: received %"U16_F" bytes, wnd %"TCPWNDSIZE_F" (%"TCPWNDSIZE_F").\n",                          len, pcb->rcv_wnd, (u16_t)(TCP_WND_MAX(pcb) - pcb->rcv_wnd)));}



注意,当前函数也是一个协议不安全函数,存在必要时会发送RST来关闭连接导致数据丢失:(ESTABLISHED || CLOSE_WAIT) && (应用层还没读取完接收缓冲区的数据)



another err_t:关闭失败或PCB没有被释放。



err_ttcp_close(struct tcp_pcb *pcb){  LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED();  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_close: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, return ERR_ARG);  LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_close: closing in "));  tcp_debug_print_state(pcb->state);  if (pcb->state != LISTEN) {    /* Set a flag not to receive any more data... */    tcp_set_flags(pcb, TF_RXCLOSED);  }  /* ... and close */  return tcp_close_shutdown(pcb, 1);}
